Community welfare is the initial door that can easily measure the level of prosperity and happiness of the community in a state system, both in terms of spiritual and physical. This reminds me of the song “My ancestor is a sailor” by Mrs. Sud, which most Indonesians are familiar with. Our ancestors were basically farmers and fishermen, at least that's what my grandmother described, as the idea of ​​representing a prosperous and prosperous maritime and agrarian country. but why is it like being erased in the economic growth of modern society in the current era of urbanization?

    The main factor is always related to economic welfare which is not significant in the village, so many of them are trying to find a decent living and escape from the work of farmers/fishermen, which is actually very crucial for the fulfillment of domestic food supply, especially for the support needs of urban communities. The village is the main source of food production for urban life, but if it disappears and even only has a picture of a difficult life and lack of financial security by working in the village then it is clear that they have to urbanize, and then adapt to become an urban society and lose their identity. as a farmer/fisherman. However, this will also affect the stability of the population in the city which will indeed increase the economic sector, but on the other hand, it will also have the effect of bringing the level of mental health and stress of workers in the city worsening through high levels of traffic jams, crime, and mental and physical health problems. other real.

    Economic growth in the village does not have to turn a village into a new city, but mapping the potential of natural resources that can develop in all villages in Indonesia, can make the prosperity of the village increase to show their respective identities. So that it is expected to be able to equalize the UMR in the village or in the city. The socialization of changing the image of a farmer/fisherman is also an option, not to portray them as marginal people who are in need even though they are the real rich people with complete sources of life from the surrounding environment. A mass workshop on education for entrepreneurship training to become farmers and fishermen was held directly at various agricultural and marine points, with urban communities as participants, so that they were interested in going home and building villages. As well as workshops that can increase the confidence of farmers and fishermen to stay afloat and become independent both in downstream and upstream regulations of the products they produce and provide an understanding of how big their influence is on the sustainability of world exports.


· 18 Agustus 2021. Sebanyak 56,7% Penduduk Indonesia tinggal di perkotaan pada 2020. Diakses pada 26 Juni 2022, dari

·         Bps. 2013. Proyeksi Penduduk Indonesia 2010-2035. Jakarta : Badan Pusat Statistik



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