Our story begin when you started entering my life, when i feel like there is no hope and no other way for me to be with someone, you sent me the video about the union between every people in this ather together for creating the world that is better for every one to live in.
A month ago, I have been reading an article on the Quora platform about what is the different between "The door slam" and "Silent abuse" the writer explain that a Doorslam is an act of eliminating anything related to that person who hurting or did something inappropriate. Meanwhile, Silent abuse is the act of focusing on punishing someone with an indifferent attitude to make the other person feels guilty. Based on the article that I found interesting. I notice that as a human I have both tendencies to respond to someone when I feel mad either with silent abuse or with the door slam treatment. However, in my personal point of view, I feel that when I did a silent abuse I still have an intention to give someone a chance to realize what they did (So it is right, sort of a punishing action). Meanwhile, the door slam is the final act that I will give to someone as the last decision if there is no possibility at all for them to benefit my life. Silent abuse was so
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